Empowering School Leaders to Drive Success

About Holmes Academic Services, LLC
Holmes Academic Services, LLC is a consulting firm that provides personalized solutions for school leaders. Led by an experienced educator, Holmes Academic Services, LLC is dedicated to helping leaders excel in their roles and drive positive change in their schools.
The mission of Holmes Academic Services, LLC is to partner with individuals and organizations committed to the sustainability of effective school leaders and delivering high-quality, equitable educational experiences.

Our Services
We offer the following customized services:
Accountability/testing protocols
Data and analytics
Evaluation of charter school proposals
Instructional coaching
Professional learning for school leaders and staff
Research and development
School policies and procedures
Strategic planning
Specialized student services functions: Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS); Response to Intervention (RtI); Section 504; Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
Title I schoolwide plan guidance
One-on-one mentoring and coaching
Pressed for time?
We can help. Contact us for a free consultation.
Why Choose Holmes Academic Services
When you choose Holmes Academic Services, you benefit from the knowledge and expertise of Janine Holmes, PhD. With years of experience in the education field, Dr. Holmes understands the challenges and opportunities that school leaders face. She is committed to providing personalized support and guidance to help you achieve your goals.
Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Excellence

Small and Emerging Business Enterprise
Small Entrepreneurship - Hudson Initiative